When it comes to promoting an energy-efficient home--and keeping your heating bills as low as possible--nothing could be quite as important as your attic insulation. Of course, not all insulation types will offer the same results. Thus it is important to choose the insulation best suited to your needs and budget. If you would like to learn more about the common types of attic insulation, read on. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the three most frequently used types.
Batt Insulation
Batt insulation is one of the oldest ways to insulate an attic. This insulation comes in the form of large rolled sheets, which are cut down to size and installed between the structural elements in your attic. Batts have the advantage of being economical, widely available, and relatively easy to work with. For this reason, many homeowners choose to install batt insulation on their own.
The most significant drawback of batt insulation is that it is difficult to install it in a manner completely free of gaps of cracks. This difficulty is exacerbated by the presence of electrical boxes, framing, and exhaust fans that make measuring and placing batt insulation even more difficult. As a result, batt insulation will tend to allow a much greater proportion of energy to leak out.
Blow-in Insulation
Blow-in insulation seeks to address the shortcomings of batt insulation by offering a different approach. Here the insulation does not come in the form of woven sheets, but in smaller discrete particles. These are blown into place using a special air gun--a method that takes mere minutes to complete. The end result is a layer of insulation that easily fills in all gaps and cracks, leaving nowhere for energy to escape.
Blow-in insulation tends to carry a higher price tag than does batt insulation. The colder the region where you live, the more insulation you will need to buy to achieve a given R-value. Not only that, but it also requires that you rent the special air gun necessary for installation. Those who are not familiar with the process may need to hire a contractor to install the insulation, thus driving the costs up even more.
Spray Foam Insulation
Spray foam is comparable to blow-in insulation in terms of the insulating protection that it can bring to your home. That said, it differs in one key regard. You see, spray foam doesn't have to be installed along the attic floor as blow-in insulation does. Instead, you can insulate the roofline. This will raise your home's building envelope, thus ensuring that any HVAC ducts in your attic will enjoy the energy-conserving benefits of an insulated space.
For more information on choosing your home's insulation, check out a company like Leon Muenks Insulation LLC.