Florida's hurricane season can really do a number on the houses here. No matter how much you prepare your home for the oncoming storms, you may forget to prepare other structures and accessories on your property. This includes your central air conditioner. Here is how to secure your central air conditioner's condenser box against an oncoming hurricane.
Bolted to Concrete
Everyone in the state of Florida is required to bolt their condenser box to a slab of concrete. The slab of concrete is then secured to the ground via large rods to ensure that it stays put, even in the worst hurricane winds ever recorded. Your HVAC technician should have installed your unit on top of a block of concrete. If he/she did not, you are in a lot of trouble twice over; once for not following the law, and twice when that unit is ripped from the ground and chucked through your neighbor's house!
Tied Down and Bolted Again
As if the concrete is not enough, you will need special tie-down straps that cross over the outdoor part of your A/C unit and bolt into the concrete slab. The slab just makes sure that there is a level surface there to which you can bolt the straps. (The slab's own security to the ground is equally important.) If you are not sure that you have the right straps, or if you do not know how to bolt the straps down, call an HVAC repair technician to do the job for you. In Florida, they often carry the correct straps in their repair vans.
Weather Shield Covers
In northern states where it snows quite a bit, they have A/C weather shield covers. These are either cloth or hard plastic covers to keep debris (and snow) out of the condenser boxes. Each A/C manufacturer makes their own to fit their brand and models of A/C units. You can purchase one for your air conditioner and then put it over the top of the unit and under the straps right before a hurricane arrives. With enough warning, you can schedule an appointment with an HVAC technician to do this for you.
In the Event That Your A/C Is Still Damaged
Despite your best efforts to ward up your air conditioner against a hurricane, you cannot stop the freight train of debris that will be thrown against it and on top of it. If your air conditioner still ends up damaged, make sure you call a technician for air conditioner repair after the hurricane has subsided/moved on. He or she can check the unit for the extent of the damage and make repairs as needed.