Tips To Staying Warm Without Bumping Up The Thermostat

When you're sitting around the house relaxing, you want to be comfortable—winter doesn't always make it easy. As you enjoy your time at home, you shouldn't have to deal with cold fingers, toes and a running nose—your home should be warm and comfortable. If you're having troubles staying warm this winter, there's a few things that you can do. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you warm up without sending your utility bills to the moon.

Your Heater And Dust

If you continuously find yourself needing to dust off the registers in your home and you are noticing more and more dust buildup on the furniture, then you may want to look into the condition of your ducts. If your ducts have dust in them, then that dust will blow out every time that the HVAC system turns on. Here are some of the things that you are going to want to look for in order to prevent further issues, and things you want to do to take care of the current issue.

Tips For Preparing Your Home Before Having A New Central Air Conditioner Installed

If you are having your old central air conditioner replaced with a new model, you may wonder what you need to do before the day the installers arrive. If so, use the following tips to help prepare your home before having your new central air conditioning unit installed. Have Your Old Ductwork Cleaned After years of use, your old ductwork has probably accumulated a good bit of dust and dirt. If you are using the same ductwork with the new air conditioner, the forced air will push the debris into the new unit, giving it a head start on getting clogged up.

Four Advantages Of Air Purifiers

Air purifiers, as their name would suggest, are a type of home ventilation product that are designed to remove dust and other materials from the air in order to improve your air quality. There are different models available, similar to air conditioners, that can either be installed in single rooms or installed to purify the air throughout your entire home by attaching to your central forced air system. Understanding the benefits associated with installing an air purifier within your home's HVAC system can help you determine if doing so is the right choice for you and your family.

Three AC Components To Check When You Buy An Old Home

If you're buying an old home that has an air conditioning system already installed, there are some things you should have inspected before you started using the air conditioner regularly. A little preventative inspection and maintenance can go a long way toward making sure you have a reliable air conditioner for the hot summer months -- and making sure you won't be surprised by any high energy bills. Make Sure AC Is The Right Size